International Delivery

International Flower Delivery from Nature's Wonders Florist
Looking to send flowers or gifts to another part of the world? We can easily organize floral delivery to locations outside of Canada through our network of affiliated international florists. Below is a list of the numerous countries across the globe for which we can organize flower delivery.
If you are interested in our international delivery services, please do not hesitate to call one of our customer service representatives at 1-800-606-1338 or 604-875-7777. We are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to take your call and are very experienced with delivery to international locations. Please be aware that international deliveries typically take two business days and are accompanied by a delivery fee of $24.95.
CALL 1-800-606-1338 or 604-875-7777
A-F | G-N | O-Z |
Angola | Germany | Palau |
Argentina | Greece | Panama |
Armenia | Guam | Paraguay |
Australia | Guatemala | Peru |
Austria | Honduras | Philippines |
Bahama Islands | Hong Kong | Poland |
Belarus | Hungary | Portugal |
Belgium | India | Romania |
Belize | Indonesia | Russia |
Bermuda | Ireland | Saudi Arabia |
Bolivia | Israel | Singapore |
Botswana | Italy | Slovakia |
Brazil | Japan | Slovenia |
Bulgaria | Kazakhstan | South Africa |
Cambodia | Korea | Spain |
Chile | Kuwait | Sri Lanka |
China | Latvia | Swaziland |
Colombia | Lebanon | Sweden |
Costa Rica | Lithuania | Switzerland |
Croatia | Luxembourg | Taiwan |
Czech Republic | Malawi | Thailand |
Denmark | Malaysia | Trinidad |
Dominican Republic | Malta | Turkey |
Ecuador | Mauritius | Ukraine |
Egypt | Mexico | United Kingdom |
El Salvador | Monaco | United States |
Estonia | Mozambique | Uruguay |
Finland | Namibia | Venezuela |
France | Netherlands | Vietnam |
New Zealand | Zambia | |
Nicaragua | ||
Norway |